Yeah, I know it’s actually tuesday now, but I just felt like blogging. It’s 03:26 right now at night.
Today has been quite boring, actually. I woke up and yeah, I got upstairs to see if anything was going on there. Well, nothing was really going on at all, so I got down stairs again, just to watch some tv. Else I saw dvd too, in the king size bed upstairs. I saw some danish comedy, which is sooo much fun xD
I’ve been so tired all day. I almost couldn’t keep my eyes open! It’s sad :p anyway, tomorrow some of my dad’s friends will get here, they drove all the way from far away in Denmark, LOL! So they’re going to visit. I hope it’ll be nice.
Else, it started raining today. It hasn’t been raining for WEEKS, and suddenly, it started raining. It’s typical, just when I’m at my dads and has a pool, it starts raining and be sucky weather 🙁
Anyway, I’ll go now. I’ll just leave you with a few icons I did, please credit if using.
You can see the rest HERE.
See you later xx

those guys are the most adorable, funny, humans on earth. specially bill. <3