Sorry for the lag of blogging! I thought I had to blog, so I chose to do a todays question for you guys.
The question today is asked by Ivette: How does it feel to meet TH?
Well, it’s for sure amazing. I didn’t really meet them like meet’n’greet like. I met them at the airport in Hamburg (december 15th 2007), and it’s just like a few seconds you get to stand in front of them, and it was my first time really close to them. I was so excited, you have no clue! We had been waiting for the boys in the airport, and when they arrived some girls started to scream (FAIL GIRLS, FAAAAAAAAIL!) and we got outside and stood up in a long line. I think there was about 100 fans. Tom was walking towards me, but the idiot turned right in front of me and messed up the whole line, but Bill was the savior – man, I have no clue where my thoughts were at the time. I wanted to give him a letter, I think, but when he stood right in front of me, all I could see was him, and him writing at the frontpage of my calender. When he was at the girls next to me, I think I kind of realized that I had to give him that stupid letter, so I started yelling at him, but he didn’t hear. Georg then came, and he wanted to write on my poster – but couldn’t. He tried, but when he couldn’t he held his hand under the poster and smiled cute at me, before he wrote on it and removed his hand. He was really sweet. Gustav just walked right past me. Actually, one of my friends found this picture a couple of weeks later. She wrote to me “I found a picture of you and Bill!!!” and I was like “Huh?” and WELL YEAH. There’s a pic of Bill with me in the background (The picture right under this text!!)

Else I met them in Cologne too, and you can read the whole experience. It was quite amazing, and I was a little nervous, but not much, I got to admit. I just talked with the guys. They’re people too. I must admit that Bill amazed and shocked me a little with the “HIIIIII!” and his big smile thingy, and his beauty, so what I said to him just turned out to be a little “hey” because I was like “O__O waaas?” in my head. He was sooo amazingly cute. I so want to meet him again. Miss him much.

But to answer the question, how is it to meet them.. Well, I don’t know. It’s amazing, I think. It gives me some kind of rush, and I just want more of them. They seem to be so nice people. – especially Bill, haha <3