It’s time for another concert review, and this time it’s a Vienna review!
Friday, March 26th I took the train for 3 hours to get to Lindas place. We were heading to Vienna in Austria, where we were going to the Tokio Hotel concert on March 30! We should’ve actually been to the concert in Zagreb in Croatia on March 28th, but the concert was canceled, unfortunately.
We drove all night (Linda drove 13 hour straight from Denmark to Vienna, so props for her! She did amazing!), through Germany, Czech Republic and then to Austria. It was so awesome to see all new places. I love travelling. Czech have such a different culture than we do in Denmark, it was kind of crazy and unrealistic to see all that. When we arrived in Vienna we booked a room in a hostel and payed for it, but we didn’t actually go there. We slept in the car for some hours in a parking lot under the Stadthalle (which was basically our “home” when we were in Vienna, lol!) and at about 18 in the evening we went to Prater in Vienna, which is a themepark of a kind. It was so much fun! We met some of the girls from the Austrian fanclub and they told us people were already camping outside Stadthalle, even though it wasn’t allowed! So, we tried to figure things out and figure out when we could get our numbers, and we were told we only could next morning, so the Austrian girls were sweet enough to let us sleep in their apartment for the night.
Next morning we got up early to go to the Stadthalle, where we then got a number. I got number 24, which was pretty fine, since that still means 1st row! We were told that we had to get back to get the numbers checked, so we went back to the apartment to get more sleep. Later on, we were told that the girls who ruled the number system didn’t anymore, and that the Austrians had gotten hands on it, which was okay. It was awesome camping, because we weren’t allowed to camp originally, we didn’t actually have to STAY outside Stadthalle, so Mia Malene and I got to sleep and shower at the Austrian girls apartment again, which was very sweet of them! Also, we went on lots of sightseeing in Vienna, which was awesome too. Vienna is such a nice city, to be honest!
On Monday evening the bareers were put up in front of the venue and we were put into the in the lining. Security were there all night along with the first aid people taking care of us, giving us hot tea and making sure we were all okay. You felt so safe being there, and I couldn’t help thinking it was like Essen.
We slept there all night, it was kind of hard, but we managed to. Next day people started arriving, and the queuing was actually really good. We were split up in 3 lines, and it was managed so example nr. 1 was in line 1, nr. 2 was in line 2, 3 was in line 3, then 4 was in line 1, then 5 was in line 2 and 6 in line 3, and then it went on like that. Also, there were borders so only 30 people would get let into the venue at time, so it meant that we were ASSURED first row! Totally awesome!
At about 18 the doors got opened, and we (as the first 30) ran inside. Linda was the first one who got in, and we got the spot we wanted – at the corner just between Tom and Bill, yay! But epic fail happened when I had to run inside; there was this bump on the floor right after the doors inside, and well.. I was too focused on getting to Linda at the first row, so I fell. So did Mia Malene and so did all the other fans. It looked EPIC, I tell you! Even the security found it very funny! It hurt, but I still find it funny!
The concert started on TIME this time (which is pretty awesome, since they’re normally always late) and there was NO support act, so it was awesome! There were a lot more pushing this time than in Denmark. Not just a little, but A LOT. People kept thinking that they could get people into a 1st row that was already full. Stupid. Anyway, when the concert started it got better, and the guys were so sweet and they rocked it as always! We rocked 1st row too, the guy who films in front of the stage LOVED us. He kept pointing the camera towards our direction. I can’t count all the times we were on the big screens. Too awesome.
Austrian fanaction went really well with all the Alien heads. When Bill saw it he grinned, just right before he started singing. It was so cute! Also, he looked down at us at one point for AT LEAST 10-20 seconds, and no, I’m not overreacting! He was the cutest thing ever.
I won’t get into too many details about the concert besides that, except that Bills microphone stopped working during Für immer jetzt, so he just stood there trying to fix it while we sang the song for him. The other guys kept playing, and Tom looked so confused at his twinbrother trying to make the damn microphone work. It ended with Bill running quickly backstage, getting his white “freiheit89” microphone in stead, and then running up towards the podium singing “fühlst du mich”, rocking it.
Awesome concert and front row is pure love <33333 I love the fact I got to stand on the front row at 2 German setlists; but the one in Copenhagen Bill talked English between the songs, and the one in Vienna it was PURE German. Anyway, enjoy some of my pictures. I didn’t tag this many this time, I’ll probably tag more later! I have so many amazing ones, I tell you. It would take ages to tag them all. There’ll be video later too. Next review is for; Zürich!!!
So, I’m gonna post a review of my whole Tokio Hotel trip to Copenhagen!
We started out camping there for 5 long days. We got to run the numbering system (I was number 2 in line, and there’s still a 2 on my wrist), and I must admit it’s hard work to make everybody satisfied, but I think we did a great job. Thursday people arrived. 5 Swedes, and about 4 Danes came. We slept outside Forum without a tent because we were told it was illegal, but we handled it anyway. It was cold to sleep there every night, and to stay there too, but I survived, even though I was soooo sick too! I won’t tell too much about the line and the camping, since it isn’t the most exciting thing ever. It was just cozy with some nice people, meeting people you know from the internet and never met before. It was so awesome. Also, to meet new fans. That’s always nice! Also, I met Amiee on Sunday, which was yaaay <3
– Anyway – I’ll skip all the cozy camping and go to Monday morning. Many people arrived, and so did their trucks. Fans started screaming when they arrived and took pics of themselves WITH the trucks (wtf??). Security came along with the fans, starting to tell us we had to remove our stuff because they had to put up the fence for a new line. We asked them how they wanted to do it, and they told us they were going to open all 6 (!!!!) doors at ONCE before letting everybody in. We tried to explain to the guy we had a numbering system for the queue but he was like “That’s your problem, not ours”. They didn’t give a FUCK about we’d been there for 5 fucking days. Bastards.
Fence was put up, and we all got in line after the numbering system. Name calling at 10 and again at 15. I went to one of the other girls place to take a shower and fix up. The girls I met were so sweet and friendly, everybody shared everything and wanted to help each other. It was so nice.
When we got back in the line, it was fucking freezing. It snowed a bit. We handed out flyers for the official Danish fanclub and started to get ready to another name calling. People had cheated and jumped over the fence, so people without any number was in front. We had to do it a way so they wouldn’t cheat, so we split people in groups with 50 in each. Just as that’d been done, the security came and told us “We have to cut it open again” and we went; “Wtf are you guys DOING?! This will be CHAOS, if you let 4000 fans inside, open 6 doors at once! And the people who slept here won’t get their first row!” They didn’t listen or respect us.. at all.
(the pic above had to say “queue”, not que, lol!) It said we were let in at 18 on the ticket, but it was actually 19 before we were let in. A security told us that we had to line up at 5 doors, so the people with the lowest numbers would get in first. I was the first one at one of the doors and the fans behind me was so sweet they really wanted me to go in first. Another security told me that all the doors would be opened at once but suddenly.. the door next to me was opened and everybody stormed in. I started crying and ran inside. I don’t get what the fuck they were doing. Fucked up Forum and fucked up security. I just ran inside and the security went “GO BACK THE LINE!” at me and I went “I’ve been her since Wednesday, you idiot!!!” while I was crying. He just pushed me away, and I pushed myself inside the queue so I got up front in a few seconds. The security held us back, even though he already ripped my ticket and I yelled at them that they already fucking ripped my ticket and that they had to let me go. When he saw, he let me go and I ran inside.. I was still crying, being very upset. I looked for somebody I knew, and suddenly Canni yelled at me from the podium. She had a front row spot for us, and God, I don’t know how to thank her for that, because if she didn’t, we probably wouldn’t have gotten a front row after sleeping outside for 5 fucking days. We wanted to have a spot at Toms side, but we got a spot at left side of the podium. We were quite upset about it, ’cause we thought it was a bad spot..
The Dreams, who was the support band started, and I kind of followed them just to see if I was able to see them all when they jumped around all over the stage, and I was, so I kind of figured I probably would too, when Tokio Hotel was on! Otherwise, it was freezing cold when The Dreams were playing, and I was SO SO SO bored. LOL. They finished at about 20:10, and we waited for Tokio Hotel to get on. Sang a little along with WMBW Emmas Park remix and some of the others songs being played in the meantime. Just when the curtain moved on stage, people started screaming, when staff went on to test Toms gibson, they screamed – and also when they lightning guys had to get up in the lights to control it. FINALLY the lights went off and people screamed and screamed and screeeeeeamed, and then TOMS LEFT EGG started with its lights and the “Tokio Hotel – Hu-ma-no-id” came, and the sound of Noise/Komm started. We’d all thought they’d do the setlist in English, but when Bill started to sing GERMAN, I’m sure my heart skipped a beat. I was SO FUCKING HAPPY. GERMAN SETLIST IN DENMARK!!!!!!! (We do learn German & English in school here). Also, the little speaking Bill did between the songs were all in English, so they knew exactly what Denmark wanted! German setlist, English talking. It was so unbelievable.
After 2 songs, Bill started talking and he went “Kopenhaygen”, like you know, it was a mixture of “Copenhagen” which is English, and “Kopenhagen” which is German. It was just so fucking cute. I loved our spot, we could see all the stage perfectly, and Bill was SO close when he came out on the podium. I do not remember which song it was in, but in one of the songs he and I just kept having eye contact and he sang directly towards me, for about 10-15 secs. I swear, I thought I was in heaven. Everything around me just fucking disappeared, and all I saw was Bill and his brown eyes. He was so happy and all smily all the time, jumping around on stage, and also, he mentioned 3 TIMES that he wanted to come back to Denmark! 3 FUCKING TIMES. Make that a promise, Bill!
I won’t get into too many details, but when Bill sat down on the stairs and started to sing “in your shadow”, I couldn’t hold back my tears. He told us to think about one important person in life when he sang it, and went “‘kay?” in the end, when asking if we could do that.. Right when he sat down I burst into tears. It was so beautiful, and he was sitting almost in front of me.. In fucking Denmark. In my own fucking country. It was so unrealistic. Also, the other guys were so cute. Tom jumping around singing all the tiiime.. Georg was a bit not so jumpy, but still HOOOOT. and Gustav in the end, was just PRECIOUS. He’s so cute and funny. Everything was just.. perfect and crazy and unrealistic. Also, Bill said “Here’s monsoon!” and then they started to play Durch den Monsun, hehehe. Woups Bill. Tom on the piano was just amazingly beautiful and with Bills voice and all the smoke at zoom, and the acoustic set was just precious too. I can’t tell you guys how much I loved that show. I still think it needed some of the old songs, like ich bin nicht ich (hehe) and schrei, but well, they can’t play all songs, unfortunately. Also, I just figured I was showed on the big screen several times in the show too! Aweeeesome!
After the show I went to Lindas car and packed my stuff in it, as I had to drive to her place and sleep there. Lots of fans had lined up waiting at the boys tourbusses at the back of the venue, and so did we, and I’m so glad we did, because all the luggage started coming out from the venue and SUDDENLY at about 00:20 (OVER MIDNIGHT, WHICH MEANS IT WAS MY BIRTHDAY!) fans yelled “THEY’RE COMING FROM THE BACK!” and Bill showed up, all tucked in in lots of clothes. He was looking extremely cute but he was too fast for me to get a picture. Right after Tom came and I got a PICTURE of it, and he was having his dog with him, which you can clearly see on my picture too! I was so happy after they’d gone into the bus, because I’d just gotten the best birthday gift ever.. I saw them on my birthday.
So, that’s quite a long review, isn’t it? I could tell you so much more, but in stead I just want to show you all of my pictures. Just click them to make them bigger. I can’t wait ’till in 3 weeks. 4 more concerts, more Tokio Hotel, more friends, more Bill <3333
You can btw also watch my medley video from the concert in the blogpost below this one!
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!