I was watching this German TV show called “Auf und davon”, currently it’s about 2 Tokio Hotel fans travelling on a mini-tour to see the boys. Anyway, I was just calmly watching it, and what do I see?! Mia Malene and I, sitting there waiting for the doors to open, directly filmed, in Geneva! I didn’t even know we were filmed. I certainly do not even remember a camera. How weird. Anyway, quite funny. We’re just sitting there, with blankets around us. It’s only a very short clip. You can watch it HERE at around 6:17.
Time for my last review from the tour (and it’ll probably make me all nostalgic writing it, haha!).
Anyway, after Toulouse we slept in the car for the night and drove to back to Geneva from Toulouse. When we arrived, Mia Malene and I got off at the venue, while Linda drove to see some of her friends and get a shower, haha! The venue was just nearby the airport, so we decided to go in there and look inside some of the shops while we had to wait. The queuing made no point at all, as in Toulouse. People were just sat everywhere, and I didn’t even mind standing in the back. It was my last concert, and I just really wanted to enjoy it. That’s why I didn’t take that many pictures at this concert (What I did though, from the very first concert in Copenhagen, was to decide that I WANTED a video with the mash-up of Screamin’ and Moonson, and I filmed that in Geneva, haha!).
We went in almost as the last ones, Mia Malene and I, and we just sat down inside, waiting for the concert to start and talking a bit while the warm-up DJ’s were on. I couldn’t really believe it was going to be my last concert, and that after that concert it would all be over. It was so weird to think that in that day, about a month ago I still had 5 concerts to attend.
The concert started, and I tried to get a bit in the front, but it didn’t really work out that well, so I just stood in Toms side. Luckily my camera has quite good zoom, so when the boys walk up at those stairs I can get quite good pics even though I’m not on the first row. I enjoyed the concert, danced around with the girls and well – was about to cry when they played Zoom and In your shadow. Tears were for sure in my eyes. Of course this concert was the same as the others with the songs, etc – but I still love this show so much. I could watch it 10.000 times and not once I would get tired of it. I know when the fire goes up, when Bill yells the name of the city, when Gustavs drums are there and they aren’t on the CD, when Toms guitarsolo is there, etc. and still I won’t ever get tired of this show. I want more, more, more!
Anyway, after the show we went outside and Mia Malene and I went to the car to fix it up before we had a long drive home to Denmark. We decided to drive all night, so Mia Malene and I had to switch staying up to keep Linda awake, and it was fine for me. Also, Linda did a seriously great job driving, she really did. We wanted to get home as fast as possible, because even though out is good, it’ll always be nice to come home to your own bed and home. When I came home, it was so weird. Everything was just suddenly over and the days after I kind of missed being with Mia Malene and Linda around me all the time. I felt totally alone, because I’d been with amazing people around me for 10 lovely, but hard, amazing, days <3
This was for sure one of the times of my life I’ll never forget or regret.
I’ll leave you with the last medley this time. Enjoy.
Time for another review, and this time it’s for Toulouse in France. We arrived on April 1st in the evening, after a long and amazing trip from Switzerland (France and Switzerland is so so pretty with all the mountains, etc!!!). The boys had April 1st off, so we knew they would go to a hotel in Toulouse right after they finished in Zürich (They usually do). We drove to a McDonalds to get something to eat, and then we drove to the venue to get numbers. Actually, we just got them for safety. I got like number 183 or something like that, I think, but we decided to just sleep in the car that night.. Well, that was AFTER Mia Malene and I had been walking around whole fucking Toulouse to just find a toilet, because McDonalds had closed with only McDrive open.. I knocked on McDrive, but no, security in there told us we couldn’t get in, so we had to walk around the whole city to find the toilet, and we found one after an hour. After that we went back to the venue and got into the car and slept there for the night.
Next day we got up at 8 and drove to the boys’ hotel.. Or.. Actually, we waited at the wrong hotel, but just around 30 mins before the boys came out from their hotel we got a text saying that we were at the wrong hotel, so we immediately drove to the right one, and well – when we arrived the tourbusses were already there, and there stood well.. around 15-30 fans, I would say. Not really that many fans, and nobody screamed either. We just parked the car and ran out, and like 5 mins after we got out Gustav came out from the hotel, all sneaky with a security guard, haha! Almost nobody noticed him! 10 minutes later Georg came out, all the fans said “Morgen” and Georg replied with a “Moooorgen!”. I think some fans told him happy birthday too, since he said “Danke schööön”, and then walked to the bus. 10-15 minutes later security begun to remove some of the fans because the twins had to come out (the fans blocked the door the twins should get out from. Georg took the entrance other door, so did Gustav). Gordon had already came out with the black dog. First Bill came out, he smiled at us and then walked. I barely noticed Tom because Bill was so gorgeously stunning (as always!), so when he walked like 20 cm’s away from me with his dog I was all like “Woah! That was close!” and then I just clicked a picture of his back, haha. I don’t remember the twins saying anything at all, but it was amazing anyway. Bill was the cutest thing ever. Which I always think, haha!
After that we drove back to the venue, to see the boys there, but they drove to the back so we couldn’t really see anything. We checked out the line, and it was pure chaos. No fence, no nothing. Everybody was just standing there, being one big chaos, really! It was at least 25 celcius degrees there, and we didn’t want to sit in the sun so we just went to sit in the car while we got something to eat and drink, and listened to loud music, talking, haha! Quite cozy, actually. After that we drove to fix ourselves up at a toilet in McDonalds, and then go shopping for some food and something to drink (omg, I got the BEST pineapple ever!). We’d decided to walk in just as the doors opened, hoping there was no innerraum, which meant we got time to go shopping and check out some of Toulouse. The shopping was quite fun actually! France have so many things we don’t have in Denmark, which makes it awesome!
After that we got back to Zénith, and we parked the car and got something to eat. Also, Linda decided to make a banner, but I don’t think we used it at the concert, haha! Not sure. The fans were starting to getting let in, so we walked towards the ticketshop, so we could buy ourselves some tickets (Toulouse was a spontaneous decision. We didn’t know if we wanted to go, but we thought about it after Zagreb was canceled), and then we walked to the line and got in. No innerraum, which meant we in the end got a great spot. DJ (support act) started and when he did we stood almost all behind, but during the concert I managed to get 3rd row on Toms side for some time, but decided to go a little further back, so I stood at about 5-6th row. I think I missed 3 waterbottles, as they flew to the persons RIGHT behind me all the time. I was sooo close all the time, but bad luck, I guess, haha! The concert was amazing – and the French fans aren’t really as bad, they’re actually quite awesome! (Even though I never managed to go in a crowd THAT smelly before, LOL!) The boys were so happy, I got so many pictures where Bill smiles. Also, when the boys speak French; It’s sooo adorable!
After the concert we sat in the car for a bit to watch each others pictures and videos (we always do that, it’s quite cozy actually!), and then we drove to a place to park the car and get some sleep, so we the next day could drive to the last concert of our mini-tour; Geneva. Which will also be my next review. Anyway, here’s the pictures I tagged from Toulouse and another medley video. Enjoy!
We arrived to Switzerland in the morning on the 31st after driving through Austria and some of Germany, having a tough but cool night. Well, that ended when we came to Switzerland where they stopped us at the gates.. They wanted to check if we had brought DRUGS with us. Like, what the fuck? All the German and France cars got right through; but the Danes. No way in hell we could get through, so we spent 30 minutes there. They even checked my fucking lipbalm to see if there was drugs in it.
Anyway, we arrived to Hallenstadion and saw the line. There wasn’t really that many. We decided to go park in a parking lot, and yeah, we wanted to get some sleep. It ended up with us putting up the tent in the parking lot, but well, after a few hours sleeping there this man told us we couldn’t. We took the tent down and got in the car to sleep there in stead. We slept ’till about 18, and then we went to get something to eat, and well.. Zürich is a scheiss city, to be honest. What’s up with the fucked up traffic lights? Really! Only green for like 2 seconds and then red in FOREVER. We got changed with our clothes though at a tankstation, got something to eat (which btw tasted like shiiit) and then we drove back to Hallenstadion. Everybody were already let in, so we just walked in as the last ones, but hey; no innerraum, so we just walked right to Georgs side. We could walk all the way to 2nd row if that was what we wanted, so it was cool enough..
The venue was seriously BIG, and it seemed so empty, unfortunately. There’s lots of stuff you see when you stand there, in stead of when you stand on front row. On front row you don’t see all the kids, parents, old people standing in the back. It was soooo odd to see, really! Anyway, this DJ was warming up, just playing some music, and the boys went on late – as mostly. This concert was special because it was Georgs birthday, and the plan was apparently to sing birthday song to him during the first break.. but nobody did so! We managed to finally sing birthday song to him when they started the acoustic set. We just started to sing, and everybody went in sync, so Bill stopped and told us that if we had to sing for him we would have to call him Hagen! So we sang for him, called him Hagen, and Bill moved his hands soooo cute, smiling and singing with us (but not in the microphone). Georg was all smily, and he seemed a bit shy. So so cuuuute!
The concert went on, awesome concert, it was nice not to stand up in front too because you got to see the whole stage more as one, and you could see all the boys and just move as you felt like it. I, of course, love front row more, but this was very cool too. They rocked it as always, and as always they were cute, amazing, etc. <3
Anyway, pics and a medley video for you guys. Next review will be TOULOUSE in France!
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!