So, time for me to spam you with pictures from the Gaga concert! I tried keeping the tag small and not cover her too much, so I would appreciate it if people wouldn’t steal them and use them for graphics, videos, etc., unless you ask me and get the permission, of course. Also, I chose not to post the pictures I already posted once, in this post – so if you want to see them, please look in the other Gaga concert posts. Thank you!
The day started pretty early yesterday; I got up at 6 in the morning, to catch the train at 7:02. We then had to sit in the train for about two hours, before we were actually at the multiarena (Now called Jyske Bank Boxen). When we got there, we were a bit confused about where to stand, because we knew that people were there – but Nina saved us and she told us they’d moved the queue inside another venue! Messecenter Herning is sooo huge, so they have a lot of venues.
We got in line at about 9:10, and people started showing. The venue didn’t expect us to come that early, but they promised us that even though we were inside, we would get in as the very first ones. They moved the queue just once, simply because that before there were a queue for each entrance. When they moved it, we were all in the same queue and we were all going in at entrance 3.
The first hours of waiting felt like days, but I have to admit, it was pretty much luxury camping compared to what I’ve done with Tokio Hotel. Waiting inside; we could even go get a hotdog in the venue they opened for us, if that was what we wanted! It rained outside, so we all felt so lucky for getting to stay inside and not feeling cold and wet outside.
What’s amazing about queuing at Gaga concerts, is to see how her Little Monsters dress up. Some of the dressing up was pretty cool, actually.
As the hours passed by, they just went faster – at least they did for me. I got to know new people. I love that! Also, the Danish press was all over the place. This guy from TV2 was begging for about 10 minutes to get us outside to go live in the news – and DR1 was there too.
When it was around 17:30 the securities came to give us instructions, and they told us that we were the special ones who’d been here first, so we were getting in before everybody else waiting outside in the cold! We would have to go in pairs (2 together), lined up – and if we ran, we would be kicked to the end of the queue (and it was a very long queue, to be honest!) When we had to go out, it went totally smooth. Nobody ran, we just walked all the way to the stage. I got filmed by TV2 when we got out. I totally got 2 cameras right to my face, so I got kind of surprised, haha!
We got in, got the exact spot we wanted at the corner of the stage and the catwalk. Lady Starlight and Semi Precious Weapons were support acts at the show, and Lady Starlight started a bit over 19. She’s a bit crazy, in my opinion. Semi Precious Weapons started at 20, and I’d looked forward seeing them as support! Made me happy, because I love them!
When it turned 21, Gaga’s intro started and everybody went absolutely NUTS! She then started “Dance in the Dark” and when they noticed they could actually see her, they went even more nuts. After Dance in the dark, she showed up, singing “Glitter and Grease” and then “Just Dance”, and the crowd went crazy. It was like one huge party.
After “Just Dance”, she went on with “Beautiful, Dirty, Rich” – looking absolutely stunning in her purple “outfit”. I don’t feel like telling you about the entire show, since I’m going to show you more pictures and videos later – I will tell you about the highlights though; One of them was when she’d performed LoveGame, and she started talking about the arena (Jyske Bank Boxen is a totally new arena, and she was the first one to play in there ever) and she said that the arena was a virgin. I’m going to quote her: “..which means, that this arena.. is a virgin. I will be taking all of your virginity this evening.” I really think that many of her speeches are highlights of the show. I love her meaningful speeches. Also, just before performing Telephone, my friend (whom I met in the queue) had made Gaga a shirt, and he threw it on stage, so she noticed us down in the crowd when she wanted to know who had made it. Most of my friends who had seats or was just standing further back in the crowd, saw us on the big screen! It was pretty damn awesome! Also, Speechless was a very important song for me to hear live. I love it so much, and well – when she was sitting there at the piano, I cried. It was crazy to finally see her in real life.
Me on first row, Gaga performing “Poker Face”. Picture is from THIS video.
The show is absolutely amazing; it’s kind of like a musical, actually. All the different stages, and in the middle of the songs, her and her dancers sometimes have lines (Like when performing Paparazzi, for example). It’s definitely a show you shouldn’t miss out on! I loved how she put “Denmark” and “Danish” into everything she said, and sang too.
Anyway, I won’t be posting my pictures (I only tagged the best ones of them) and all of my videos now, I will post them in their own posts later on. I tagged all of it, and if you can’t wait to watch the videos, you can go to my youtube channel HERE to watch them. Here’s “Paparazzi” for you though!
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!