Back when we were home, Mia Malene and I had decided that we had to go to at least Rockefeller or Empire State Building to watch the sunset, so we were able to take pictures both in day, sunset and night. We ended up doing just that at Top of the Rock (Rockefeller).
Da vi stadig var hjemme, havde Mia Malene og jeg bestemte os for at vi skulle i hvert fald op i Rockefeller eller Empire State Building for at se solnedgangen, og også kunne tage både billeder i dagslys, solnedgang og nattelys. Vi endte med at gøre det på Top of the Rock (Rockefeller).
We stood up there for a few hours to secure a good spot to take photos, but we didn’t really mind. It was beautiful up there. Just seeing how the city changed from daylight into night was amazing.
Vi stod deroppe i et par timer for at sikre os et godt sted hvor vi kunne tage billeder, men egentlig så havde vi ikke så meget imod det. Det var fantastisk at stå og kigge på hvordan byen skiftede fra dag til nat.

If I had to choose between Empire State Building and Top of the Rock, I would definitely say to go for Top of the Rock. There are better picture options (at least when you can’t bring a tripod) and I love the view towards Empire State Building. Rockefeller Center can be found at
W 49th Street & 5th Avenue.
Hvis jeg skulle vælge imellem Empire State Building og Top of The Rock, så ville jeg helt klart sige til jer at I skulle tage op i Top of the Rock. Der er bedre muligheder for at tage billeder (i det mindste når man ikke må tage et kamerastativ med derop) og jeg elsker udsigten imod Empire State Building. Rockefeller Center kan findes på W 49th Street & 5th Avenue.