Today I did a video, and I spend like.. 4 hours on it. 3 hours editing, and about 1 hour of uploading and struggling with youtube. Movie Maker is a bitch too. It wouldn’t edit my .avi files without saying “Not answering” and shutting movie maker down. I hate that movie maker >_> Anyway, the video turned out okay. It’s actually a video made for a competition on We were off from school today because we’ve got serious much snow, so I thought I had good time to do it in, and the deadline is today anyway, so. I did it, haha!
Enjoy 🙂
I’ll blog later with pics from all the snow today.
I think I've just proved how much attention I actually pay when watched TH TV and other videos XD cus I can't remember much of the clips you've used LOL. I fail :3
Love the vid though <3
So I'm not the only one who has problems with this crappy movie maker… xD
Cute video, btw. <3.