Nå, men jeg bestemte mig for at prøve endnu engang med macarons, fordi dem min mor og jeg lavede sidste gang (HER) ikke gik så godt med hensyn til hvordan de så ud. Tidligere på ugen købte vi nogle passionsfrugter, og jeg bestemte mig for at bruge dem til disse macarons, så de endte med at blive normale macarons med passionsfrugt ganache imellem. Opskriften til macarons og ganache kan findes HER. Faktisk, så blev den første portion helt knækket på toppen, og jeg gætter på at det har været fordi at ovnen var for varm. Den anden portion blev meget bedre – også selvom der var nogle få af dem der knækkede på toppen, men yay, for nogle af dem blev ret smukke, som I kan se på billedet ovenover! På billedet nedenunder kan I se forskellen på hvordan den første portion og den anden portion ser ud.
Well, I decided to do another try on macarons, since the ones my mum and I made the last time (HERE) failed completely when it came to looks. Earlier this week we bought some passion fruits, and I decided to use them for these macarons, so they came out as regular macarons with passion fruit ganache in the middle. Recipe for the macarons can be found HERE. Actually, the first batch I had in the oven cracked on top, but I guess that was because the oven was too warm. Second batch turned out better – still some of them cracked though, but yay, some of them turned out beautifully, as you can see on the picture above! On the picture below, you can see the difference on how first batch went and then second batch with better results!
They look YUMMY!
Thank you :D!
Sv: How about we make that a mission for when we next hang out? We could do some awesome shoot, you visit me or vice versa! My nail stuff is at work though haha so I can’t really take that anywhere XD
sv, Yes!! I dunno how much it is to get to you, is there an airport closer than copenhagen (that wasn’t so expensive when I came for TH)? When are you going to San Fran? That’s epic!!
sv, Ah well I will check it out then! 😀 Would be awesome to come and visit you because we’ve spoken about it a fair bit before haha! Thanks! It’s one of Blogg.se designs and I just made it fit what I have haha