I dag bestemte jeg mig for at bage disse lækre banan chokolade cupcakes! Vi ved alle at banan og chokolade er et perfekt match, og det var også derfor jeg bestemte mig for at gemme en lille “hemmelighed” af nutella inde i midten af cupcaken før den blev bagt, og så puttede jeg chokolade smørcreme på toppen. De blev rigtig lækre!

Ingredients for cupcakes (Opskrift på dansk HER):
– 300 g flour
– 1 tsp baking soda
– 225 g sugar
– 1 tsp vanilla sugar
– 1,25 dl milk
– 100 g melted margarine
– 2,5 dl yoghurt
– 1 egg
– 2 mashed bananas
How to:
Turn oven on 200 degrees celcius. Mix all the dry ingredients in one bowl, and mix the wet ones in another one. Add the wet mix to the dry mix and fold it until all is wet. Put into muffin tins and bake for 13-15 minutes.
Ingredients for buttercream (Opskrift på dansk HER):
– 75 g butter
– 200 g chocolate
– 1 dl powdered sugar
How to:
Melt butter and chocolate together, and let it cool off for just a bit. For last, add powdered sugar, and it’s ready to use!
sv, I’m not sure because trains here don’t run that early and late so it would be awkward timings but I think it’s about £50, I’ll have a shop about anyway, see what I can find! I could always fly to Copenhagen and get a train to you? How would that be? Cost wise I mean haha.
Sv, ah okay well I’ll look into the train to stansted or actually, buses might make more sense although they’re annoying haha but usually cheaper. I’ll have a look before the weekend, when would be best time to come and visit? Xx
De ser fantastiske ud *-*
Taaaaak! Det var de også :D!