I never get around to show you these gorgeous boots I bought back when I was in Copenhagen in the beginning of April. They only cost me 50DKK(!!!) in H&M and of course I had to have them – Especially when they were as cheap as they were. They are pretty comfortable to wear, and they can put a little color to my usually dark outfits. Yay!
Jeg fik egentlig aldrig vist jeg disse skønne støvler som jeg købte da jeg var i København i begyndelsen af april. De kostede mig kun 50DKK(!!!) i H&M og selvfølgelig blev jeg nødt til at have dem – Især når de nu var så billige som de var! De er ret behagelige at gå i, og så kan de også pifte mine ellers ret mørke outfits op. Yay!
De er fantastiske!
They are so lovely!!!