Of course we had to visit New York Public Library when we were on 5th Avenue, and so we did! Mostly because of how gorgeous a piece of work the Stephen A. Schwarzman building is. So beautiful to just walk around in this amazing building – Also, it’s completely free to go in there AND they have restrooms! (Yes, it’s actually quite hard to find restrooms around New York City). The library can be found on 5th Avenue at 42nd Street.
Selvfølgelig skulle vi besøge New York Public Library da vi var på 5th Avenue, og det gjorde vi så! Mest fordi Stephen A. Schwarzman bygningen er så fantastisk flot. Det var så smukt bare at gå rundt og kigge i denne flotte bygning – Og udover det, så er det fuldstændig gratis at gå ind OG så har de toiletter! (Ja, det er faktisk ret svært at finde toiletter rundt omkring i New York City..) Biblioteket kan findes på 5th Avenue ved 42nd Street.