Today was actually a good day. I was in School from 8:10 until 13:30 (Where we actually in German class watched half of the amazing movie, Christiane F!) and after that I went to see my mom get the papers from finishing her education.
Then tonight, I went to By Night in the city (Which means that all of the stores in the city are open until 22!) and I got myself a winterjacket in H&M, which was put down with 50%! Now all I need to find is a pair of boots for winter. The ones from last year are completely broken. I saw that they got them in the store again this year, so if I do not find any boots of my likings in Berlin – Then I will buy these again.
When I then came home, I just had some nice time with my old cat, Simba. He’s too cute for words. Can’t believe that he turned 6 years old in June!
I dag var det faktisk en god dag. Jeg var i skole fra 8:10 til 13:30 (Hvor vi faktisk i tysk timen så halvdelen af den fantastiske film, Christiane F!) og efter det tog jeg hen for at se min mor få papir fordi hun igår blev færdig med sin uddannelse.
Her til aftes, tog jeg til By Night i byen (Hvilket betyder at butikkerne har åben indtil klokken 22!) og jeg købte en vinterjakke til mig selv i H&M som var sat ned med 50%! Nu mangler jeg bare at finde et par vinterstøvler. Dem jeg har fra sidste år er fuldstændig gået i stykker. Jeg så at de havde fået dem i butikken igen i år, så hvis jeg ikke finder nogen som jeg kan lide i Berlin – Så køber jeg de her igen.
Da jeg så kom hjem, havde jeg bare noget hyggetid med min gamle kat, Simba. Han er så sød at det slet ikke kan beskrives med ord. Jeg kan slet ikke forstå at han fyldte 6 år i juni!

Awww look at that kitty!
You shouldn't buy your clothes at H & M, though I like your style.
A lot of the clothes is made in countries like Bangladesh by underpayed children and women