On day 3 in Rome, we visited Pantheon (Picture 1), Piazza Navona (Picture 2), Piazza del Popolo (Carnevale Romano was going on, so there was sooo many people all over Rome! + All the kids were dressed up, and it was absolutely cute!) and we looked at the old olympic stadion – Only a very quick look though! Besides that, I went on Via del Corso for the first time. The weather was amazing. After two days of rain and clouds, this day the sky was blue and it was 16 degrees celcius. Amazing. I used my sunglasses for the first time this year (I also managed to get my hair stuck in my sunglasses and panic, which is why my hair looks like it does on picture 3).
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About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!