I promised you that I would do a video review for my latest Lime Crime products, and so I did!
Jeg lovede jer at jeg ville lave et video review fra de sidste Lime Crime produkter jeg købte, så det har jeg gjort! (Dog kun på engelsk!)
What I didn’t get to mention in the video before the battery of the camera died, is the scent of the lipglosses and the lipstick: All of the above have a wonderful scent of vanilla. Lime Crime can be bought HERE.
(PS. How many times did I manage to say gorgeous in this video review? Did anyone count them? Haha!)
Hvad jeg ikke lige fik sagt i videoen inden kameraets batteri døde, er duften som lipglosserne og læbestiften har:
De har alle en dejlig duft af vanille!
Lime Crime kan købes HER.
(PS. Hvor mange gange fik jeg lige sagt gorgeous i det her video review? Er der nogen der har talt det? Haha!)
Seriously considering to buy Kaleidoscope D: I only counted it to two gorgeous, but maybe you said it more xD
They all look very good on you 😀