I love wearing this red lipstick. So pretty. Next lipstick I’ll be getting is Make-Up Store’s “Black Orchid” – thanks to MiaMalene (she’s buying it and shipping it to my house!) and my dad and stepmum for giving it as a early Christmas present. Can’t wait to get it and try it out! (I will of course post pics etc, when I get it) Also, tried out some new eye make-up, so it’s all glittery around my eyes! (These pictures were taken about a week ago though)
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About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!
You look so beautiful bb!