You probably all know this game, where you have to find your birth month, date and the colour of your shirt and put it together as a sentence – and today I felt like making my own of these, and I thought it would be fun to post it in here.

So please, post your sentences in the comment section!
I would love to see all the funny sentences coming out of this! 😉
I lost my virginity to Andy Sixx because I was born that way.
I yelled at Lady Gaga because I'm too awesome!
Thats true (y)
Apparently …
I hate twins because I'm too awesome!
Men sig mig, mangler Gustav ikke i den liste?
MarieCaroline: Jo, det gør han sgu da egentlig D: der var en jeg skulle huske, men så glemte jeg hvem det var og det var så åbenbart Gustav -.-' det er ikke fordi jeg hader ham, overhovedet, gad bare ikke at TH medlemmerne stod lige efter hinanden.. de skulle de måske have gjort, så havde jeg da husket at jeg manglede ham XD
I yelled at my best friend because I'm a bitch
Well… That does make sense xD
I had sex with a cat because I'm too awesome!
I ran into Kanye West because I'm innocent..
I kissed Hayley Williams because I hate myself (Y)
I lost my virginity to the toothfairy because I'm too awesome!
… muligvis den værste sætning jeg nogensinde har skrevet…
I kissed Bill Kaulitz, because i love him
I hate Johnny Depp because I am too awesome XD
i kissed ur mum coz im 2 awesomee
i slapped justin bieber because i love him XD
i had sex with your dad coz my parents told me too?????:L xx
i lost my virginity to Justin Beiber and it was so amzing ……
:/ lol