I had my math exam today, and well – let’s just say it didn’t went that well. That’s all I’m going to say. Anyway, I am now very postive, because I will never have math ever – nor physics – my entire life! It’s over! Those classes are GONE! AND school’s out until start of August!
Also, I just had this summers first strawberries with sugar on them. I adore strawberries. That’s one of the best things about summer (besides the fact that school’s out!). All the amazing fruits and the (nice) weather, making you feel so good.
What’s your favorite thing about summer?
du er mega god til engelsk:-D
I'm sorry to hear about your exam bb hugs
Woah you go back to school early!
sv. Yep! Schools here go back on September 7-9 (I'm not sure which date) and so do the colleges, but Uni's go back in October
sv. Yep! But then again, people who have no exams, don't get summer until the begining of July 🙂