Hi my lovely readers!
Tonight I’m blasting Lady Gaga’s “The Fame”, put on my relaxing clothes and my warm hello kitty socks. It’s been raining for quite a while; and a lot, to be honest! I was really cold and thought I’d take off my summer clothes and get into something a bit warmer and try to get a bit cosy, and it actually worked. I’m wearing no make-up, and my hair isn’t straightened and fixed. It’s just all curly. I feel so relaxed, and that’s exactly what I need to get my mind off of all the school work and homework coming up right around the corner of the end of this weekend. 3 assignments to do on Saturday. Phew. Also, I took myself a cup of hot cocoa right after dinner, enjoying it. All I needed was the marshmellows though.
Anyway, I’ll enjoy being relaxed for a bit more, blasting Gaga, before going to bed a little later. I need to get up at 6:15 tomorrow and I’ve got school until 15:25. Such a long day, so I better relax now.. 😉
I actually own the "Fame Monster" and I really like it. Can't wait to see her gig. ^^
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