So I went outside today since the weather is amazing. It’s a bit windy, but I went outside to shoot my 5girlsDK vlog (since I’m off from school today – my school is closed!), and I thought I would take some “todays outfit” pictures too (Also, I made an entire category for todays outfit posts). So this is me today.
Shirt (Divided 2010), hat (2006-07) and jacket (Divided 2008) from H&M – Leggings from Sparkz
Sunglasses from Glitter – Shoes from Vans – Pink socks from Hello Kitty Sanrio (H&M)
I love it bb <3
sv; I wish you could have been in Paris too, would have been soooo much more fun!
sv; Oh you an me both bb! We'd get to go to so many shows!
sv: thanks xD
Let's get entering the lottery now haahahaha
sv; LOL I know right? pay back all the loans we needed to keep entering AHAHA
u look GOOOOD 😀
how are u?
hatten og skoene er no-go's XD men resten er fedt 🙂
Haha, Linda XD Normalt bruger jeg heller ikke hatten ret meget faktisk, det var bare fordi jeg havde ekstremt dårlig hårdag den dag 😛
– og tak ^_^
really nice outfit gril! 😀