We found out that 4 of our classes were cancelled today because our English+History teacher was sick, so we had to meet at 9 – then German class, then math class, then 2 hours off, and then one Social Study class and then I was off at 13:40, so Cecilie and I took a decision to walk to the city to go look in the shops, which was actually quite cozy.. Well, beside the fact that we’ve now got very sore feet.
Doesn’t I look pretty? (Beside the fact that my hair is so greasy Anybody got any good tips how to get it away? I have had this problem with my hair getting greasy just a few hours after I’ve washed it, and I have no clue why it does it!!!! It annoys me so much.. Also, I need to dye it again soon)
Anyway, I had a great time, so my feet doesn’t really matter. They’ll stop hurting anyway, sooner or later.
Have you tried the dry shampoo sprays you can get now? Cus I have really greasy hair too :/
Dry schampoo is the shit!
Maybe you use damaging hair-farb… try some treatment…
Same problem here, but I use I love Juicy (Lush) and my hair is perfect now!
Dry shampoo is possible, but I know from some people that it still doesn't look that good.
ever thought the hairdye might be the cause XD? You constantly dye it black, and it's not really that good for the hair
Furthermore, if you use any hair products after shower, it can also make it greasy, e.g. hairspray 
Amy: I'm not sure we have that product here in Denmark, unfortunately
Linda: The hairdye have never really been a problem for me. My hair was this greasy too (if not more!) when I had my natural color, and I got rid of the greasy in it, but when I started in 1.g it came right back
and I barely never use any hair products after shower, only for special occasions or if I have a REALLY REALLY bad hairday >_>
Try asking your hair dresser about it, or ask someone in Matas about it. They usually have a suggestion
Hairdye should actually make your hair more dry, so I don't think it's that. O__o
sv; It's not hte hairdye at all, I used to dye mine blonde to dry it out and it didn't make a single difference at all, if anything, hairdye will dry your hair out. I dunno what to suggest honey <3
er det din mor eller papmor ???
Sara: Hvem???
jeanette : hende du sidder med på det andet billede.?
Sara: Nej, det er min veninde? øh..