Hey amazing people out there <3
So today it’s july 1st, and it’s really summertime. I love summertime, even though spring is the best. The weather is so good, and it can put me in such a good mood. Today my mom, stepdad and I went to the beach, and it looked really beautiful. All those kids bathing in the ocean, it was so amazing. They laughed, screamed… It was so nice to see so many happy people, having fun in the sun. So cute.

Isn’t it beautiful, huh? I love it. Anyway, today has been quite boring, and i just saw some videos from the concert in Essen, Germany. I started crying, because I miss it so much. It was my first Tokio Hotel concert, and I really miss it. Second row. It was so amazing. Anyway, I gotta go now. I’ve lots of stuff which should be written. Posting on FF and posting on my RPG. So. See ya later <3