Today I went to my grandmum’s funeral. I got up at 8 to get myself ready, and we got to my granddad’s house at 9. It was weird, because we had to wait for my grandmum to arrive and they had to carry her into the church. There was so many flowers, you wouldn’t believe it. It was like 2 cars filled with all different sorts of flowers. So beautiful. My grandmum loved flowers. If she could’ve seen them she would’ve been so happy. She loved marguerites. They were all over the place. I remember she used to have a necklace and earrings with marguerites in them. I’m used to her calling home every single day, wanting to talk. Sometimes she could talk for hours, I tell you. It’s weird, because she doesn’t do that anymore now. She was always gentle, buying stuff for us, giving us things. I hope she’s up in heaven having a chit chat with Michael Jackson. Granny, say hi from me <3 We’ll do our best to take good care of granddad. Love you.
You’ll always be in my heart <3

Årh, I'm so sorry hun 🙁 it must be a huge chock to lose someone like that. I really hope she's in a better place, hopefully chatting with the king himself ^^
Awh hugs
I hope you're okay bb <333
awe, i'm really sorry 🙁
i hope you're okay <3