Look what I got today, leute!!
(Don’t get confused, Tom’s m’s look like w’s and his n’s look like u’s XD)
I went to the store to get the English Deluxe Humanoid the expedient had put aside for me, and it was the LAST one! Besides that, I got the 2nd last Danish commercial poster, too! The only thing missing on the poster though, is the Danish Fanclubs link XD We used to be in the commercials in the magazines with our link!! Anyway, I think it’s quite cool 😀 The lady just told me “Do you want a poster too?” and I was like “Huh?” and she said “There’s free poster over there.” and she told me to go look. We couldn’t find anything, so we asked how the poster looked, and she told me “It’s like the ones out in the window.” and I was like “What? AND I DIDN’T NOTICE IT? I usually see them everywhere!!!” She found the poster for me, and when they got them they had 20. There’s only 1 left now, ’cause I took the 2nd last one XD bwaha!