Okay, the title is a bit weird, BUT… Again, I’m going to post a video (Why do I feel like I’m only posting videos these days? Odd.) Anyway, I asked the other day, if I should do another funny quotes (and got no answers, by the way), and I decided to do it. I was really bored this night, so, in occasion of the 4 year since Tokio Hotel’s first single, I made this funny quotes at MTV Buzzworthy! The interview is absolutely hilarious, and I chose the best parts of it. I would like you guys to watch, comment and rate! 😀
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!