I made this video in about a year ago, and I gotta admit to you guys, that I never expected it to get that many views! Right at this very moment it has 32.842 views! Well, I have one video actually having over 100.000 views, and it’s the Tom licking his lip piericing one, which most fans probably saw, LOL. If you didn’t and want to, you can just check my profile on youtube. You’ll find it right away. Anyway, I’ve been thinking about making a new "funny quotes" with Tokio Hotel again, even though my movie maker is fucked up. Do you think I should?
Hey leute!
So I thought it had been a while since I blogged last time. Today hasn’t been all exciting, and neither has the other days. I’m so bored, you won’t even believe it. Well, yesterday I went to the skindoctor, and got a new schoolbag and such, but I didn’t finish it all quite yet. I’ll take pictures and show you later, when I finish.
I’m starting at school on monday. It’s kind of late for students to start, but I’m just lucky I get one week more than most students in Denmark, yay! Even though it’s boring, now everyone started school, and there’s really no one to talk to. It really sucks. I’ve felt really bad and ill today, having head ache all day. Nothing exciting, I must admit.
I’m really nervous, starting at school. It’s a totally new school, and I’m going to a class with 27 new students, and I don’t know one single of them. It’ll be a challenge, but I’m sure I’ll get used to it, and I hope I’ll get along with the new people. I am NOT looking forward to going to school though. School work sucks.
Anyway, I’ll blog when something nice happens. I’m going to get my hair dyed tomorrow again. Same black color as always.
See you later lovies <3
About me

Hi! My name is Jeanette and I'm a 30-year-old Danish Web- and SoMe assistant who loves cooking, baking, traveling, music, TV (and most other media-related stuff), fashion, friends & family - and then of course my little cute dog, Dean. Welcome to my universe!