Tomorrow I’m going to Germany, and I actually think I should go to bed soon. I’m getting up at 6 in the morning, which means in 8 hours. We’re going to Heidepark tomorrow, and it’s like 4½ hours of driving away, that’s why we have to get up so early. I’m going to be in Germany until Tuesday, and we’ll have to sleep in the CAR. That’s going to be hell for my back. It’s been hurting really much the last couple of days, and so have my hand. It’s been ruined since I had to give Chulli that freaking massage a week ago. I don’t know what the hell happened but suddenly it just hurt like hell. I think I’ll have to go see a doctor, because it hurts just typing on my keyboard on my laptop.
Anyway, I’m going to check out some shops in Hamburg on Tuesday, and then go to some shops buying skittles (if I can find them!!), airwaves and some red bulls. And sour candy! I love sour candy! And of course, I’ll have to buy Bravo too. I need that poster even though Bills outfit sucks xD And I promised to by one to Amiee too. Also, I have to buy a present for Cynthia, because she sent me something almost half a year ago. Else I’ll have to buy birthday present for Chulli too. So, when I come home I’ll blog pictures and what I bought and such. I won’t blog until Tuesday.
Pray for me seeing Tom and Bill on the German highway 😉 LOL!
See you later guys! xx