Hey guys!
So, I’m home, and I’ve been home for about 3 hours now. I told you I might be blogging at Chulli’s place, but we couldn’t get the internet up working at my computer, so I couldn’t blog. So sorry! Anyway, I’m doing it now in stead of.
I got to Chullis place at about 19 on friday, and we had tons of fun. On saturday we went to Svendborg, and watched HP6.. even though we both saw it before. After that we got out eating on McD. It was really cosy. The other days were just relaxing, doing some photos and having fun. I already miss her 🙁 Another thing which isn’t that good… My grandmum died on sunday morning. My mum called me. I’m glad Chulli was there to comfort me. It’s so weird. I never lost anyone, except my great grandmum, and when I lost her I was probably only 3 years old. It’s weird to think that the camera I borrowed from my grandmum, I’ll never be able to give her back again.. *sigh* I’ll have to go to her funeral on friday. It’ll be hard, I know. The trip to Germany is cancelled, and hopefully we’ll go there on monday in stead off. Anyway, here’s some pictures. See you guys later <3
Waiting for the bus in Svendborg
…still waiting.
out for a walk. I’ve got cuuurls!
She wanted to bite in my hair xD And I was all like "what the hell are you doing?!"
well… yeah. out for a walk again xD
picture says everything. (my hair looks like crap xD)